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Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008 19:29

This is now implemented by inserting a Read more... tag (the button is located below the editor area) a dotted line appears in the edited text showing the split location for the Read more.... A new Plugin takes care of the rest.

It is worth mentioning that this does not have a negative effect on migrated data from older sites. The new implementation is fully backward compatible.

Terakhir Diperbaharui pada Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010 15:04

Berita Singkat

SMKN 2 Garut Kreatif, kerja keras dan disiplin. 

Jajak Pendapat

Program studi keahlian apa yang menurut anda paling favorit di SMKN 2 Garut?

